Here in the "deep south" Saturdays in the fall consist of one thing. FOOTBALL!! War Eagle!! is the battle cry I hear, its all over Facebook, their are Auburn flags flying high (including mine), everyone is de

cked out in orange and blue and Auburn University is one excited place. People actually pulled into town in their motor homes and began to tailgate on Wednesday. (Do people not have jobs anymore?) Anyway, don't take my cynical attitude wrong, I enjoy Auburn football. My husband use to play for Auburn, so we are fans! But as the rest of the South East is screaming their battle cry today, I am screaming "HELP!" All I see is a pile of dirty laundry, food on the floor, toys everywhere and the remains of what looks like s'mores that my children made for breakfast. (Yes, I slept in!) I am too tired for a battle cry today!
Do you ever feel that way in your walk with Christ? I am too tired to share his name, I am too tired to share my story of how He changed my life. Yes, I am a fan and Yes I love Him, but I am tired! I am reminded today of Isaiah 40:29-31 "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
This is my prayer today! Yes at game time I will say "War Eagle!" But my hearts desire is that I will never be too tired or too weary to yell "His battle cry of salvation."
I feel your pain! It will ease is just the first weekend!