As parents we try to teach our children about delayed gratification! You know the drill..."Ooh Ooh Mommy, I want to get this toy!" "No, sweetie, let's wait until Christmas, or your birthday." If I got my children everything they wanted whenever they wanted it, we would be broke! More importantly they would grow up to be spoiled, impatient adults who would not know how to "wait patiently before the Lord." However, when it is my turn, waiting just does not seem to be the best option. I want to set a good example for my children, but after all I am Mommy and I am an adult and if I think we need something, then we need to get it now. Right? For example...My Macbook Pro 15 inch w/photoshop!!!! I want one soooo bad. (I mean after all "both" of the computers we have now are desktops and they are old and they do run "real" slow. I could do sooo much with a Macbook. I could do some really cool video editing for church purposes.) All of these things were part of my presentation when I went to my husband with my "Macbook Plan" in place. I had already called Mac and had them build my computer and hold it in the computer. We had the option of 12 months same as cash, so it wouldn't cost us ANYTHING right now! If we ordered today, we would have it by Friday! Sounds good to me! WRONG!!!! There was just one problem...Matt did not buy into this philosophy. (And I had it all planned out so well.) Now, let me clarify, Matt is not opposed to getting a Macbook, but he is opposed to debt! Any debt!! His idea is to save and when we can pay cash, then we will buy it. DELAYED GRATIFICATION!! Now usually I
try to be
a submissive, supportive wife, but this particular day I decided to (I can't believe I am going to say this) "pout." You know the bit I am talking about...the poor little me routine. After all, our friends have Macbooks and Iphones and Canon Rebel 600 digital cameras. Do you think I said what our kids say? Would I dare? IT'S NOT FAIR! Yes, I was that immature and fleshly. Basically I stomped my feet (not really) and had an adult sized fit. I made a choice not to honor my Savior, my husband or our budget. I set an awful example for my children. (Fortunately the big boys were at school and Jacob is too little to realize what was going on, but in theory I was a bad example.) It only lasted until later that day when I allowed the Holy Spirit to get a hold of me and whoop me into shape. I still wanted and want the computer, but more importantly I want a heart that honors Christ and I don't ever want to see that look of defeat on my husband's face again. Matt works hard. He works 2 jobs to provide and save for our family and he does a really good job budgeting what we have and honoring Christ through stewardship. It's not that he does not want to give me that computer. He would love nothing more than to walk in the Apple store and load up on technology, but he has been given the responsibility of leading our family in financial obedience to the Word of God. As his wife, it is my responsibility and should be my honor to stand beside him and support him in this obedience. Since that day, (which I wish I could tell you was 13 years ago, but it was not, it was 2 weeks ago) the Holy Spirit has been working in my heart and life to make me "one" with my husband in financial obedience. I will be honest, it is hard. I still "want stuff" but I want oneness with my husband and a husband that can walk in financial freedom even more. I have made a commitment to be a living sacrifice and live with a renewed spirit and a transformed mind. I have thrown what is, by the grace of God, my last "Adult Sized Fit."
Proverbs 3:9 "Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops."Romans 12:2 "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is, his good, pleasing and perfect will."Ephesians 5: 22-24 "Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything."
I love you Monica. You are a fantastic writer and I am learning and being encouraged just by reading. I can so relate- I live with Dell! However, 30 years later- i love him more and more each day and appreciate his financial wisdom even if I don't tell him ( most of the time) Anyway- just wanted you to know that we love you !!!! ps. look at the latest blog from kimmie!