Do you have a special place in your heart that when you think about get a warm, fuzzy, loving feeling? Today my family spent the day at that very place. We spent the day with a group of people who are very dear to our hearts. 10 years ago we went to a little town I had never heard of, to pastor a small church in the country. Now, I had been a city girl all of my life except for 2 weeks each summer that we spent out in the country with Grandmother and Granddaddy. I was very apprehensive about living in the country, but God placed us in the love and care of some of His precious children. We lived there 4 years, saw 2 little boys born there and felt loved and secure in the company of friends who quickly became family. Today we had the privilege of returning to our little church in the country and preaching their homecoming service and let me assure you there is nothing "little" about this little church. We were welcomed like long lost family; arms opened wide, a banquet feast fit for a king and flattering invitations to return to the country. Although God has placed a definite call on our lives to serve Him in Auburn and we LOVE it, I know that these precious people will forever be in my heart and be family. I was reminded today of the love that we share in the bonds of Christ. When hearts are bound together by the love of Jesus, there is a bond that exists that is as strong if not stronger sometimes than that of earthly flesh and blood. That's what HEAVEN will be like! We will all be together worshipping our Savior, arm in arm, all in one accord (Not the Honda). Today made me even more homesick for our home in Heaven when we will not be separated by death, denominations, associations or individual buildings. We will worship as one. I will close with a portion of the song they sang today that gives me that warm and fuzzy feeling inside because it brings back treasured memories.
"Homecoming Day, what a wonderful morning, when we get home, when all of God's children from all of the ages meet on that day. Millions of voices, singing praises to Jesus, what family reunion, sweet, sweet communion, Homecoming Day."
I Thessalonians 4:16-17 "For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with aloud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever."

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