Tonight as I listen to my precious Matthew cough and struggle to breathe normally, I feel led to share with you what God is doing in this amazing young man's life. He has what most of us would consider a small cold, but to him it is a battle for breathe, but also a confidence in life. He struggles daily with asthma and allergies, but he has found a way to use it for the glory of God. They say imitation is the greatest form of flattery, but I did not feel flattered when Matthew recently started his new "blog" called "Worse In A Better Way" (A boy and his journey with allergies.) I felt honored; I was proud to call him my son and was encouraged that he was able to see the hand of God at work in his life. He began a blog with the hopes of encouraging other children with allergies and helping them to see that God can use the things in our lives that we think make us "worse" to actually make us "better" when looked at through the eyes of God. He came up with the title on his own. Let me share with you an excerpt from his latest entry..."Most kids when they get sick with a cold they only get a regular cold but when I get it, me and my parents are up all night doing breathing treatments. But I know God brings me closer to him by that. I know your thinking but how because he's having a bad time? The answer is... I know that God is protecting me the whole time. Thats how he brings me closer to him." He knows! That is what he called "the answer" and that is the answer for all of us. We have to learn not to trust God based on our circumstances, but to KNOW! Isn't that what God himself said to us, "Be still and know that I am God." That should be enough. My 10 year old understands (because he KNOWS) that even though the Lord allows things to come into our lives that are not pleasant and that the world deems BAD, God is using it to conform us into His image and to bring Him glory. Our circumstances should never make us question God's love for us, His awareness of us or even our awareness of His existence, on the contrary, we should see Him and His hand in everything we are called to walk through. It is that blessed assurance of not knowing what tomorrow holds, but knowing who holds tomorrow. Have you heard that before? It sounds s little cliche, but so true. That is how Matthew lives his life. He rests in knowing that everything is filtered through the hands of his Almighty Father and for him that is enough. Oh, for it to be enough for all of us. Matthew doesn't even realize it, but he provides such encouragement and determination for me to press on in the face of adversity through the testimony of his health. He does not live angry or down trodden or in fear of the next attack on his breathe of life, but instead he looks for and actually seeks to find God in ALL things. He knows who controls and has ordained each breathe he will take. Do we KNOW Him with that child-like faith that He talks about and which Matthew is a testament to? When we face the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, a sickness, a van that was keyed in the Target parking lot (yes, that happened to me today! ARG!), a checkbook made of rubber or a relationship that has produced more hurt than we thought humanly possible, do we trust the circumstances or do we KNOW Him? Are we looking for Him? Are we seeking Him? Thank you Matthew for allowing God to use the testimony of your life..."Worse in a Better Way" to encourage us all to seek the hand of God as He works in all of our lives.
Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
James 1:2-4 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

Oh Monica! Thank you for this. God has taught me so much through dealing with this asthma in my children. Actually, those 2 verses are on my go to list I made when Annie was last in the hospital, along with Romans 5:3-5, 1 Peter 1:6-7, and John 9. Love your blog, and your strong, godly son.