This is not a regular blog, but this is me asking you my precious friends to pray for me. We have Date Night With A Purpose tomorrow night and I am NOT feeling well. I cannot swallow without wanting to cry and my physical body is exhausted. I spent today at Kirklin Clinic in B'ham following up on my Thyroid Cancer so needless to say it was a long day. Please take a moment if you can and pray for my health. Matt and I will be briefly teaching together tomorrow night and we still have lots to do tomorrow. My God is sovereign and He knows that in my weakness He is strong. I need His strength. That is all I can cling to. Praying that I will become less and He will become greater in the testimony of my life. Speaking of becoming less...apparently the Dr. agrees with what God has been telling me and he wants me to STOP drinking soft drinks and eating salt. I know lots of fun! Right? He has encouraged me to lose 10% of my body weight before I see him next year. Everyone is ganging up on "Tina." Anyway, pray with me that God will use tomorrow night to encourage marriages in our community. Right now we have over 90 people signed up. I am so excited. Thank you for praying and I will update you on what God does later this weekend.
In Faith,

I just saw this and hate that your were sick as you prepared for Friday night....but want everyone to know how great it all turned out. My husband and I were two of the 90 that were blessed by what God is doing through these amazing people!