We believe in rocking babies at our house. I don't care what the books say, I am not able to lay my children down and let them cry. I love to hold them and rock them to sleep. I love to have them cuddled up on my chest and sing them to sleep. It is a precious, treasured time in the midst of a hectic day. We believe in rocking so much so that we usually quit rocking one child when another one comes along that requires rocking. We have been known to rock two children at a time or Matt rock one while I rock the other. Since Jacob in our last, I guess we will rock until he is old enough to rock us. :) Matt rewrote the words to the song "You are my sunshine." It goes something like this..."You are my sunshine my "4th" (Jacob) sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know "boy" how much I love you. You have been my sunshine today." He changes the number to correspond with the son he is rocking. The other night Jacob was curled up on Matt's chest and they were rocking. I could hear Matt singing, but I also heard this tiny little voice singing along. He sang every word of this treasured song that his daddy sings to him every night. He was cradled in the arms of his daddy, he was safe, he was secure, he was loved and he mimicked the words his daddy sang to him. My friend that is how our heavenly Father wants us to sleep each night. Falling asleep in our "daddy's arms" safe, secure, loved and mimicking the words he whispers in our ears. Oh the comfort of the Father's voice. There is nothing quite like it. I use to pray myself to sleep at night and then I started feeling guilty that I fell asleep while talking to God, but then I realized as long as that was not my only conversation with Him during the day, it was the perfect way to go to sleep, in the safe and secure presence of my Father. I don't fall asleep worrying about the day to come or the one that just passed, but I fall asleep mimicking His Word and singing his praise. When I rest in Him and in His peace that passes all understanding, I can "sleep in perfect peace."
Zephaniah 3:17, “The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” (NIV)

Thanks for reminding me to rest in the Lord, safe and secure in His presence!