Matt and I have such a heart for our marriage, but also for the marriages of others. We live in a world that would seek to destroy our marriages at all costs. Matt and I speak with men and women everyday who are struggling in their marriages. Why? Because we live a world that tells us that we are number one. We live in a world that says "be happy no matter what the costs." Our world would tell us "if they aren't meeting your needs and making you happy then find someone who will." THE WORLD IS WRONG! God has designed marriage to be a picture of His relationship with the church. He gave up His life for us. We spend many hours of our energy each week pouring into our jobs, our homes, our education, our children, our sports and our friendships, but how many hours are spent actively working on our marriages? They seem to get the leftovers. If your life is like our life then there is not a lot left over. You have to make the time to pour into your marriage and seek for it to become a priority in your life. That is why Matt and I had a vision a little over a year ago to begin "Date Night With A Purpose." We want to be able to share with other couples how to "date" their spouse in a fun, non-threatening, non-churchy kind of way. We want couples to learn to enjoy being together. It is so hard these days to afford a date, what with the cost of childcare, dinner, a movie and...exactly...what else is there to do? "Date Night With A Purpose" was created with the hopes of encouraging couples to rediscover the joys of being together, while being able to afford it and learn some practical marriage tips along the way. Your church may not have a "Date Night With A Purpose" or maybe you don't have a church
home. If you would like information on how to bring a "Date Night With A Purpose" to your church please e-mail me @
mommyof4brothers@gmail.com If you live in the Auburn area and do not have a "regular" church home and would like to join us on Friday night please e-mail us at
datenightwithapurpose@gmail.com. If you can't make it this time mark your calendar for February 12th 2010. Or better yet, plan a date on your own. Tomorrow!! Rekindle that spark! For more information go to
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