Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"Fear Not"

Fear is a part of my earliest memories. As a child I was afraid someone was going to kidnap me. My daddy assured me they would bring me back. As I grew and matured so did my fears...what if I get in a car wreck, what if I never get a date, what if someone I love dies, what if I never get married, what if this incredible man I married dies, what if I never have children, what if one of my children dies, what if someone breaks into my house and steals my children, what if we lose our job, what if we run out of money...the what if’s of fear consumed my life and robbed me of my joy. The fear began to paralyze me. I even had our children sleep in our room for fear that someone would break in and harm them. I would freak out anytime they were in the car with someone else and I couldn’t reach them. The fears were irrational, but they were very real to me. Fear can be described as..

Fear -Forsaking Every Attitude that’s Rational

Fear - Forgetting, Even the Almighty’s Reality

My fears began to pass down to the next generation...one day about 2 years ago our oldest, Matthew, asked me if he could ride his bike through the neighborhood. As any rational mother would do I began to make excuses as to why he should stay inside and play video games that encourage couch potatoes, fried brains and childhood obesity. What if you go too far and a car backs out...no? Mom, I will watch. What if you have a flat tire and you have no way to call me....no? Mom, I just checked the tires and they are fine. Then Matthew said something I will never forget...”Mommy the bible says do not worry and living in the ‘what ifs’ of life is the same as worry. We are suppose to think on whatsoever things are true. The what if’s of life are not true.” Guess who had a wonderful bike ride that afternoon and guess who fell on their face in confession before a Holy God. You see for years I have prayed that God would give me victory of my fears. Again and again I had prayed, knowing that He is all powerful and that He is a victorious God. I wanted victory and I prayed for victory. That day God began to show me that I had, had victory over fear for a long time. The victory was found in obedience. Victory comes when we are obedient to His word. He calls us to take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ. He says to think on whatsoever things are true, right, noble, pure, lovely, excellent or praise worthy. He tells us not to worry about tomorrow because He loves us. He tells us that He has ordained our lives with a hope and a purpose. He promises that He has come so that we may have life to the fullest. He specifically says “FEAR NOT for I am with you.” He commands us to FEAR NOT. Why do we not have victory over fear? Because we choose to walk in disobedience. Don’t get me wrong, it is hard to obey and we must walk in obedience moment by moment, day by day, but when we obey we walk in victory. He came so that we might live victorious lives. The victory is ours. Will we choose to obey. Are we willing to lay every fear that paralyzes at His feet and allow Him to strengthen us and uphold us? Will we allow Him to be God and uphold us with His righteous right hand? He is waiting for our obedience. The victory will follow.

Isaiah 41:10 (New International Version)

10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you;I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

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