1 Thess. 2:8 "We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us."

"Monica’s message was phenomenal! She shared directly from her heart about real life issues and how to face them with God’s help. She kept the ladies glued intently listening to her insights which only God can give. Monica’s testimony was real, giving honest examples about how her faith had grown in the face of hardship, trials, cancer, and recovery. She makes me want to be a better woman! She allowed God to lead her, giving Him the credit for what He has done for her and her family. It was about God, not Monica, which made her such a blessing to us."
Elaine Southall ~ Wisdom for the Virtuous Woman Director ~ Valdosta, GA
Monica, I am so glad that you have chosen to share with us! From what I remember of you at Auburn, you are a sweet lady with a true heart for Our Lord. Thank you and thank God for you!!! Can't wait for your next entry!
ReplyDeleteMonica, your blog is beautiful and I just read every single post! :) I just couldn't look away. :) I got so tickled at the "Let the little girls come to me" story that Kevin had to come in from the other room and check on me. LOL. Can't wait to read more from you! :)